
Showing posts from May, 2023

How to Do an Initial Plumbing Check When Looking to Purchase a Home

When you're looking to buy a new home, it's essential to ensure that everything is in good condition, including the plumbing system. A faulty plumbing system can result in costly repairs and inconvenience. Therefore, it's important to know what to look for when doing an initial plumbing check. In this blog post, we'll go over some tips and tricks for doing an initial plumbing check by  plumbers in Katy when looking to purchase a home. Check for Leaks The first thing you should do when checking the plumbing of a potential new home is to look for leaks. Turn on all the faucets and check under the sinks and around the base of the toilet for any signs of water leakage. If you see any water stains, soft spots, or mold, it could be a sign of a leaky pipe or faucet. Make sure to check the water meter as well to see if there's any indication of a water leak. Water Pressure Check the water pressure in the home to ensure it's sufficient. Turn on all the faucets, includin